To select all objects with the same stroke weight, select an object with that stroke weight or choose the stroke weight from the Stroke panel.Then choose Select > Same and click Fill Color, Stroke Color, or Fill & Stroke on the submenu. To select all objects with the same fill or stroke color, select an object with that fill or stroke color, or choose the color from the Color panel or Swatches panel.

To select objects with the same fill and stroke, select one of the objects, click the Select Similar Objects button in the Control panel, and choose what you want to base your selection on in the menu that appears.Print gradients, meshes, and color blends.Specify crop marks for trimming or aligning.Creative Cloud Libraries in Illustrator.Best practices for creating web graphics.Create shapes using the Shape Builder tool.Enhanced reshape workflows with touch support.Build new shapes with Shaper and Shape Builder tools.Draw pixel-aligned paths for web workflows.Draw with the Pen, Curvature, or Pencil tool.Troubleshoot Illustrator cloud documents issues.Troubleshoot create or save issues for Illustrator cloud documents.Illustrator cloud documents | Common questions.
Adobe illustrator fill tool upgrade#